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Having an Email Address

Your teen lawn service could definitely benefit from having its very own email address. If you have easy access to a computer, it is probably the easiest way for your clients to contact you and vice versa. With a phone, each of you always has to be there for a connection to be made. With email, a message is sent, gotten, replied to, etc.

However, you should always have a telephone so that your clients can call you. Some of them may not have internet access or an email address, and it is always good to have a second form of communication.

Also, your clients may be more comfortable communicating through email as opposed to other methods. Having an email address can let future clients feel you out.

Your company email should look something like this: companyname@yahoo.com (or Gmail or Hotmail or whatever you want to use). Do not use your personal email. Make a new one. You should probably check it every one or two days to see if your clients have contacted you.

To finish, having email is a good idea. It is always smart to have a second form of communication and some of your clients may be more comfortable emailing you as opposed to contacting you by telephone. Share you thoughts on having a company email address in the comments.


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About Teen Lawn Care

Mow Lawns for Money

Teen Lawn Care is a blog to help you succeed as a teen lawn entrepreneur. I use my firsthand experience to help you make your lawn business the best it can be. <<See first post
