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Should You Use an Electric or Gas Weed Eater?

One of the important things to decide for your teen lawn service is whether you should use an electric or gas weed eater. They both have good points and bad points, and in this post I will discuss these.

Electric or Gas?

Most of the time, I think a gas weed eater will serve you best. They don't need to be connected to a power source and you don't have to mess with an annoying cord. You can just use them. (However, you might disagree with this statement when you have to do some kind of oil gas mix to run the dang thing.)

However, if you are in a situation where there are plenty of power sources and it is easy to do, an electric weed eater can be nice. All you have to do is pull a power button harder or softer to make the weed eater go on and be more powerful. You don't have to start it or leave the engine running. It is much quieter. There are also a lot less expenses associated with electric weed eaters. For example, they tend to cost less and you don't have to spend money on gas and oil.

I think that in most situations, a gas weed eater will be better than an electric one. If you live in a neighborhood where everyone has electric outputs everywhere and you don't want to have to deal with some of the issues that gas ones tend to have, then sure, an electric one might suit you better. It always depends on the situation. Always.

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Mow Lawns for Money

Teen Lawn Care is a blog to help you succeed as a teen lawn entrepreneur. I use my firsthand experience to help you make your lawn business the best it can be. <<See first post
