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Big Mower or Small Mower?

Note: This post won't apply to you if you use a riding mower.

When deciding what mower to use for your teen lawn service, some questions come up. Chicken or the egg? The Vikings or Columbus? Big mower or small mower? Although all these questions are important, we will only be focusing on one of them in this post.

Big mower or small mower?

Big mowers that propel themselves may seem like a good idea. All you have to do is steer, right? But consider this: when you are going up a hill with enough grade, the mower may not have the power to push all its weight up. You will have to do a lot more pushing with a big mower because it is so much heavier. Although you have to do all the pushing for a smaller mower, it is lighter, and therefore easier to push. Also, if you are doing a smaller yard, the big mower might be too hefty, whereas a small mower is light and easily maneuverable. Another thing is, how much gas are you willing to buy? The current national average for a gallon of gas is $3.97 (July 2008). That's a good bit, and the big mower will need more gas than a smaller, non-propelled one. Additionally, if you have to push the mower to your neighbor's house, then the big mower could be really annoying. It isn't being propelled when it's not running.

However, big mowers also have their advantages. If your mower is wider, you have the potential to finish a yard faster. Also, if the yard you are cutting is large and flat, with no hills, then you won't have to push the mower up a hill, and using a big one could be less tiresome.

There are pros and cons to each, and I think it really depends on the lawn you are cutting. If you are just starting out, I would try to use a smaller, lighter model, and move on from there. However, if you have been running your business a while, then ask yourself these questions: Which mower will make me use less energy? With which mower will I take less time to mow the lawn? Your answers to those questions will determine which mower you use.

Please share your thoughts in the comments. Big mower or small mower?

Further Reading:
How to Properly Mow a Lawn

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  • # Anonymous Anonymous

    definately go with a big mower over a smaller one. not only will you save time mowing, bigger is always better!  

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Mow Lawns for Money

Teen Lawn Care is a blog to help you succeed as a teen lawn entrepreneur. I use my firsthand experience to help you make your lawn business the best it can be. <<See first post
