Published by Ben
on March 8, 2007. generates 2,000 pageviews from 1,000 visitors monthly.
There are several available ad styles. Ads can be placed near the top of the left navigation bar or in the center right above the content and below the header. Ads placed on the left side must be 125px by 125px in size. Ads placed above content must be 200px by 200px in size.
The styles of ads that can run in these two places are:
A link to your website attached to a short one sentence description of the site;
Your Website a short description.
a 125 x 125 or 200 x 200 banner ad.
The general idea for text ads is to keep them within the 125 x 125 or 200 x 200 pixel limit.
Cost for both ad types is $3 a month in the navigation bar, and $6 a month above the content.
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