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Advertise Your Teen Lawn Service With Flyers

One of the problems I have found with deciding how to advertise my lawn service is that I only want to serve the people who live close to me. I don't want to lug my mower a mile. So, I have really only found one advertising technique for my lawn service. Most other techniques that might work tend to find too big of an audience.

The Technique

What I do and what you should do for your lawn service is write up flyers and put them at every house in my area. This may sound tiring and annoying, but it can be very rewarding. If you don't want to go to the trouble, I also put the flyers on telephone poles with a staple gun. Make sure your flyers target walkers if you do this. Cars aren't going to see the writing on an 8.5x11 paper stapled onto a telephone pole. Also, do not put up too many flyers on telephone poles, or some cranky neighbor is going to get pissed. Although this works, many more people are going to see flyers on their doormats and I definitely recommend that.

You may be wondering what you should put on your flyer. Well, here is the template I use:


Your Lawn Service's Title (big font)
Services Provided
(list them here)
Slogan here (they aren't completely necessary)
Contact info (your business's email address, your phone number; remember, some people don't use the internet)
Website (if you have one; they can be helpful if you have extra info they can access on the site) (Update: I have since written a post on having a website for your lawn service.)


1. Target new neighbors in your area. This has worked for me in the past. I didn't have to do any more advertising because I targeted new neighbors who needed their grass cut but didn't already have a lawn care provider.

2. When you are actually putting out the fliers, go on a cooler day and in the morning, if possible. This way you won't die of heatstroke ;) or stop early because you are hot. Also, bring water just in case.

3. Stay organized and know where you have already put flyers. People will be annoyed at you if you place a flyer at their door more than once.

4. Don't put flyers in peoples' mailboxes, it is against the law. Put your fliers under the doormat...or... something else.

When to Advertise

Advertise for both the spring and fall seasons. Advertise for the spring season in March, but definitely before the grass needs mowing. Although it isn't good to miss this optimal advertising time, you can advertise afterward, it just isn't as good. For the fall, advertise when the leaves start falling and people need their leaves raked. I find that a lot more people want their leaves raked but not mowed than people who want both.

Remember, if you notice a new neighbor is moving in, put a flyer at their door, even if it is the middle of the season. Always be ready to make your business better.

Well, that's it. I hope you all get many more customers with this technique. Share more advertising ideas in the comments :).


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  • # Anonymous Anonymous

    How Do I know if putting flyers on peoples doorstep is legal in my city. I Live in Minnesota by the way  

  • # Anonymous Artificial Grass

    This are interesting,I get ideas on how will I market our lawn services to the community.I just need to be patient and set my goals to meet my objectives.  

  • # Anonymous Anonymous

    This is a marvelous technique which applies to adult businesses and churches as well. My wife and I owned a small pet store, and
    I used teens to distribute fliers in the immediate neighborhoods.
    It worked!
    I know a church that regularly uses door hangers with messages about up-coming events (Christmas programs, egg rolls on Easter,
    etc.), and teens from the church fan-out in nearby neighborhoods
    to hang these announcements. I'm told there have only been a
    few complaints, and so these residents are on their "no fly-ers
    zone," so to speak. Inexpensive, targeted, effective.
    Small businesses could learn from this!  

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Mow Lawns for Money

Teen Lawn Care is a blog to help you succeed as a teen lawn entrepreneur. I use my firsthand experience to help you make your lawn business the best it can be. <<See first post
