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Blogs I Like

JuniorBiz - Young people, grownup business!
Blog written by Nick Tart about young business

The Lawn Blog
Blog written by Richard Murphy all about lawn care and lawn business

Kelly's Lawn Care Blog
Blog written by Kelly Burke about lawn care

Life and Lawns - Lawn Care Tips Blog
Blog written by Allyn Paul that discusses lawn care

Benefits of Having a Website

One thing that I find very helpful for my teen lawn service is having a website. Most people have internet access, so when I put out flyers, I can just put the website on the flyer with the other information so that people can learn more about my business. And, since you're a teen, I think people won't really care a lot if you use Geocities Free.

Although it is nice to know how to use HTML and CSS, you don't have to know them to be able to put up a website. Most free hosts offer easy-to-use page builders, so this shouldn't be a very big issue. However, HTML and CSS aren't extremely hard to learn. You can Google tutorials. The web is chock-full of them.

I would show you the link to my website, but I don't want a predator getting hold of my information. I hope you understand. So, I'll explain it to you: On my website, I have five sections: the homepage, business range, contact information, services offered, and about us. I think these are the bare essentials of a good company website. On the homepage I give a warm welcome and invite viewers to look at the entire site. For the business range, I explain a picture of where we are willing to go to mow peoples' lawns. On the contact information page, I show our contact information, including email and a phone number. On the services offered page, I explain the services we offer and their starting prices. Finally, on the about us page, I explain that we are teenagers and I just tell a little bit about our business.

Having a website is a good idea because it is a one-stop shop for all the information people want on your company. It may cause people to take a second look at your company and decide to use your services.

However, if the people viewing your website can't read what you wrote and there are bad color choices, the website could be a real downer. Remember to use good techniques. Look at other lawn services' websites and see how they construct them. This will be a big help.

I think using a website for your teen lawn service is a good idea and that you should utilize it. But remember the fact that not every customer you will serve will have internet access so have the bare essentials on your flyers or ads.

I will leave you with some lawn service websites so you can get some ideas.



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Mow Lawns for Money

Teen Lawn Care is a blog to help you succeed as a teen lawn entrepreneur. I use my firsthand experience to help you make your lawn business the best it can be. <<See first post
