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Life and Lawns - Lawn Care Tips Blog
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What to Bring to a Mowing Job

When going out to mow a customer's lawn, you must be sure to bring several things, which I will outline in this post.

Guy drinking from his CamelBak
Photo by Kevin N. Murphy
Water is a very important commodity when mowing your customer's lawn. Drinking it will prevent you from getting dehydrated or having heatstroke when exposed to the hot sun. Also, a gulp of water can really help your stamina when mowing. When I mow, I wear a CamelBak, represented in the picture. All I have to do is grab the tube with my mouth and relieve my thirst. Plus, I don't need to carry around a water bottle, which could get tedious. I suggest getting a CamelBak. If not, however, a normal water bottle should work fine.

Your tools
Your mower is a nobrainer. However, you should make sure it is tuned up and running well. Also, be sure you have more than enough gas to finish the job.

Most lawns need weed eating. Make sure your weed eater is in good condition and working well. Also, bring some extra weed eating string in case you run out.

What to wear
Safety is key when mowing a lawn. (See my posts on mowing and weed eater safety.) Eye protection can be good for mowing, and is crucial for weed eating. Ear protection is preferred. When weed eating, make sure to wear long pants. If you wear shorts, I can almost guarantee your legs will get cut up. A baseball hat is really nice. If you have long hair, it will keep your sweaty hair out of your eyes. Regardless of hair length, the sun will not glare in your eyes so much. Lastly, sunblock will help prevent sunburn. If you are out mowing all day, sunblock is very useful.

Be prepared and use common sense when going to mow a lawn. Bring water and make sure your tools are working well. Also, make sure your body is protected. If you do these things, you should be fine. Go mow the lawn!

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  • # Anonymous Lawn Mower Reviews

    I completely agree that safety should always come first when mowing a lawn.

    I even go as far to wear steel toed boots in case I slip. No need to be a member of the war amps if I don't have to.

    Great post on being prepared to mow your (or someone elses lawn)  

  • # Anonymous Logan Graham

    When doing a job, I always bring some gloves, a snack, and a towel. Gloves protect your hands. A snack really helps prevent hypoglycaemia (lack of food/energy/blood sugar). And a towel, well, allows you to wipe off sweat!

    I'm considering getting a t-shirt for my lawn-care business with my logo/services on it - because it's great advertising, and I don't want to get any of my other shirts dirty/grassy.  

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Mow Lawns for Money

Teen Lawn Care is a blog to help you succeed as a teen lawn entrepreneur. I use my firsthand experience to help you make your lawn business the best it can be. <<See first post
