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Life and Lawns - Lawn Care Tips Blog
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While looking around Small Business Brief, I found an article on Andy Sernovitz's blog about how to Make it Goofy, Make it Outrageous, and Make it Last. This article talks about how to do something ridiculous with your product or service and get people to notice/talk about it. Some of the examples of this phenomenon listed in the article are Trader Joe's 10 pound candy bar, the Pirate language for Google Search, and a 300 year warranty (as opposed to lifetime) on the furniture of a Swedish company called Brikolor.

The whole idea is to do something crazy and noticeable so that people will be more likely to use your product or service. I'm sure these ideas can be used to market your teen lawn business as well.

1) Wear something noticeable
A great way to advertise your lawn service is to be seen by neighbors while you mow a customer's lawn. To increase visibility, wear a bright t-shirt or an eye-catching hat while you mow. If you wear something with a dull shade, like brown or black, you will blend in with the scenery. However, a bright red shirt or a funny-looking hat will cause your customer's neighbors to walk over and start negotiating prices with you. Nick recommends it, and I do, too.

2) Liven up your mower
Paint your mower an outrageously bright color, or make some kind of cool design like flames. The effects of decorating your lawn mower can be two-fold: The first effect is basically the same as the first "outrageous" idea: get the neighbors to notice you. However, if your mower looks downright sexy, people will start to talk about you. Not only will George who lives next door know about your service, but also his friend who lives a couple blocks away. Using this idea could very well jump start word of mouth (WOM) for your business.

3) Liven up your flyers
Make people actually notice your flyers by adding a clever picture or slogan.
"Hey Fred!"

"Yes, Sherry?"

"Look at the picture on the flyer those kids put on our doorstep!"

"Haha. You know, the grass IS getting kind of long..."

Check out these two sites for lawn business slogan ideas:
Slogans/Catch phrases
Good Slogans For A Lawn Mowing Business

4) Offer a Ridiculous Service

Offer as a service something far-fetched like cutting a customer's grass with a machete, advertised on your flyers.


"Yes, Sherry?"

"Want to get the grass cut with a machete?"

Just get people to notice your flyers.

I'm sure there are many more ideas out there, these are just a basic few I thought of. Now, go out there, and do something crazy with your lawn business!


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  • # Anonymous Nick Tart

    You make some really good points Ben! If you're gonna be mowing lawns you might as well be mowing lawns while wearing a giant sombrero. At the very least, people will notice and laugh at you (which is good). It's really all about differentiation, or being different than your competitors. Thousands of websites sell shoes, but Zappos.com has been so successful because they offer extraordinary customer service unlike any other shoe-selling website.  

  • # Blogger Unknown

    These four points must be taken under consideration while having top cut lawn care  

  • # Anonymous Anonymous

    I agree with that, or they can get your services on local news like showcasing the amount of work they can get done in a timely manner that has to be seen to believe, http://xtremetreeshark.com/video; has a cool way of promoting their lawn services  

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Mow Lawns for Money

Teen Lawn Care is a blog to help you succeed as a teen lawn entrepreneur. I use my firsthand experience to help you make your lawn business the best it can be. <<See first post
